How To Check If Facebook Shared Your Data With Cambridge Analytica

As promised, Facebook has rolled out a tool which tells about whether your data is shared with Cambridge Analytica or any other company since that has been banned from the platform for illicitly accessing people’s personal data and something this may lead to regulation of social media.
Facebook stated “Starting on Monday, April 9, we’ll show people a link at the top of their News Feed so they can see what apps they use—and the information they have shared with those apps. People will also be able to remove apps that they no longer want. As part of this process, we will also tell people if their information may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica”.
If you want to check if your data was shared with Cambridge Analytica. Just open Facebook in your browser or any other phone, then navigate to your news feed. If your data was shared with or improperly accessed by Cambridge Analytica or any other company, you’ll receive a notification at the top of your news feed explaining who just had your data.
The pictures above show what the new protection notices will resemble. They obviously state regardless of whether you were influenced, and additionally how to twofold check which applications and sites right now approach your information. It’s an essential advance for Facebook even with the Cambridge Analytica embarrassment, however, it stays to be seen regardless of whether these new notices will help keep you secure over the long haul.
“Generally speaking, we trust these progressions will better secure individuals’ data while as yet empowering engineers to make valuable encounters,” the Facebook proclamation peruses. “We know we have more work to do — and we’ll keep you refreshed as we roll out more improvements.”
Facebook has been on its back foot as far back as the Cambridge Analytica story broke, and organiser and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is affirming before Congress this week, noting inquiries concerning what Facebook knew and when. Zuckerberg conveyed a composed articulation that was discharged by Congress, in which he assumes liability and guarantees to improve the situation later on.
“In the course of recent weeks, we’ve been attempting to see precisely what occurred with Cambridge Analytica and finding a way to ensure this doesn’t occur once more,” Zuckerberg composed. “We took imperative activities to keep this from happening again today four years back, yet we likewise committed errors, there’s a whole other world to do, and we have to venture up and do it.”
